English articles

Flashbacks Messengers of the past

Usually, what happens now is what we might call „initial worsening”. The inside pressure grows. A tsunami is on its way. Explosion of what had been supressed. That can be quite frightening. […]

English articles

Living in the Flow – why we cannot but live in it!

Flow means opening up. Being radiant. Embracing the world with overflowing love. Summer. Sun. Flow also means ripening. Going within. Finding yourself. Autumn. Rain. Flow means letting go. Cold. Silence. Dying. Yes, especially dying. Allowing. Crying. […]

English articles

An Easy Way to Experience Deep Relaxation

When we are able to focus on the breath for three minutes and not allow our mind or emotions to carry on in the silly way that they often do, what we do is something which is the pre-requisite of relaxation. All forms of relaxation or techniques that bring relaxation require this. They demand that we bring ourselves back to the present moment. […]

English articles

How not to get sick – An introduction article

Feel how your body and mind as a whole function as one organism, like a completely synchronized orchestra. Tune in to this frequency of health. Start creating for yourself a field of healing based on the wonderful feeling that health is already inherent in your body. […]

English articles

How to give your life more meaning

However, your original energy, your genuine nature still resides inside of you. In order to connect with that, a training of the intuition is indispensable. You need to listen to your own inner voice, your inner wisdom and higher guidance. […]

English articles

The Science of Epigenetics

The science of epigenetics, which literally means „control above genetics“, profoundly changes our understanding of how life is controled. Environmental influences including nutrition, stress, and emotions, can modify genes without changing their basic blueprint. […]

English articles

Ohms Law and Spirituality

You are an instrument through which the life power flows. Resistance will limit the flow. You have many names for resistance – doubt, denial, fear, worry – that will dramatically limit the flow of life through you. […]

English articles

Telomeres and Your Mindset Have in Common

In contrast, exercise, good nutrition, a positive outlook on life, living in happiness and gratitude, being in service, and experiencing love, especially self-love, all enhance telomerase activity and promote a long and healthy life. […]

English articles

Gain objectivity with a bird’s eye view

Focus on the issue about which you wish to achieve clarity. Possible topics include: Clarity in your partnership, the cause of a conflict, or what the next step in a particular situation should look like. […]

English articles

Make your New Year’s resolution become true

However, when it comes to changes we aspire, the permanently installed programs in our head and in mind – most of which run automatically and unconsciously – become an obstacle. […]