Responsibility and spirituality – in today’s society

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 spirituality nix hoeren sehen sagen buddhaResponsibility and spirituality – in today’s society

Responsibility and Spirituality – We might all claim to be responsible and spiritual people.  But, to what extent is this true?  In the first instance, for whom or what are we responsible?  In the second instance, to what extent are we spiritual?

Let us consider each of these topics in turn.

Responsibility can be seen as something to do with control, and with this being independent of anyone else.  You are responsible for yourself.  You might be responsible for your children, or for your parents, or for colleague at work in terms of how they behave there and what they achieve.  We might construe this to be about having power over someone, as well as how this is exerted.  Essentially, if anything goes wrong with what you control, or lead, it might be reasonable to assume that you will be blamed.

Spirituality, as you will know, is what we see in ourselves and others that is not connected directly to materiality.  This entails the soulfulness of a person.  Generally, it is not spoken about.  Usually, people remain ignorant of their spirituality.

In both cases, we could see these attributes as being fundamental to our personal development.

Greater responsibility enhances our status in the home or in the workplace.  Greater spirituality can do the same, although this depends upon how much others around you think the same way.  Let us say that a child or a wayward employee might not see you as being responsible for them.  They could be uncooperative.  In fact, they could be self-destructive or unsupportive of what you are trying to control.  Essentially, leadership is all about encouraging children and employees, for example, to do what you believe is right and true.

With regard to spirituality,

this tends to be personal unless you interact with others at that level.  Spirituality arises form inward focus, yet this can be expressed in how you communicate with anyone else, whether children, employees, colleagues, or people generally.  Here, anyone who is disruptive does not affect your level of spirituality.  However, this sort of behaviour might affect their spirituality.

The extent to which responsibility and spirituality overlap is also worth considering.  Usually, we do not see spirituality expressed by people at home or at work unless they are driven to do so through a personal agenda, or because it is expected by the prevailing culture of the collective.

Note that a clash

can occur between responsibility and spirituality.  More specifically, problems arise if the two influences are in conflict.  For instance, the Managing Director of a very successful, long-running business began the management meeting each morning with a hand-holding and prayer session.  The focus had shifted to his want for religiousness and spirituality in the business, and that took the attention of key people away from business fundamentals.  Perhaps unsurprisingly, this enterprise suffered financially and went bankrupt.

Problems can also occur

at a personal level when someone is responsible for something that does not match their level of spirituality or its objectives.  As an example, you know that you will not work in particular jobs or industries.  Similarly, you do not associate with particular types of people.

This discussion brings to mind what can be done to improve responsibility and spirituality individually, and when these attributes of our lives interact.  In each case it is a matter of focus, although the question that arises here has to do with what the point of focus might be.  For responsibility, we can agree that the focus is on the associated objectives.  These tend to be external to us and, usually, are worldly as a consequence.  Corporate goals are a fine example.  Mostly, no spirituality is evident in such situations, although we can see how people try to include corporate social responsibility or responsiveness into commercial life, just as parents speak with their children about proper conduct, and so forth.

As for spirituality, mot people consider this to be a part of who they are.

The focus, here, should be on spiritual completion.  It is everything to do with soulful purity.  Yet not everyone attains the goal.  Basically, people have degrees of spirituality, which means that they have differing degrees of purity, too.

In this regard, consider that what matters to anyone who has some form of responsibility is their ability to remain focussed on the related aims and anticipated outcomes.  Their success will depend upon leadership, planning and management skills.  Then, when we turn our attention to spirituality, while focus remains the key, the objective is personal.  Here, the related success is also reliant upon detachment from materiality.  That, perhaps, is best discussed in another article (see Spiritual Intelligence).

Dialogue regarding the topics contained in this article should also consider the converse circumstances.  Specifically, we would be remiss not to acknowledge the opposite conditions of irresponsibility and materiality.  Quite frankly, these seem to be inextricably connected, in as much as materialism distracts people sufficiently to become reckless in their area of responsibility, which should includes the attainment of spiritual contentment.  That, as you know, is how much of the world shows itself.  Better leadership and management is necessary in addressing material issues.  Better self-awareness is crucial to removing spiritual obstacles.

Cornelis Reiman is a healer at a temple in Thailand and he has an international following.  What he does for people is captured in books that were written by him after his life shifted away from a successful career as a corporate advisor.  These are available on 

Cornelius Reiman

Alle Beiträge des Autors auf Spirit Online

Responsibility and spirituality Cornelis ReimanCornelis Reiman
ist Heiler in einem Tempel in Thailand und hat eine internationale Anhängerschaft.
Was er für Menschen tut, ist in Büchern festgehalten, die von ihm geschrieben wurden, nachdem sein Leben von einer erfolgreichen Karriere als Unternehmensberater abgelöst wurde.