Living in the Flow – why we cannot but live in it!



Living in the Flow – why we cannot but live in it!

„Flow“! That is a huge word and an even bigger concept.

Sometimes it can be annoying, especially when we fail to experience it! It creates pressure… I believe it is time to shed some light on this concept of living in the flow and what it really means.

We all know this wonderful and exhilarating feeling of “being in the flow”. Everything goes along smoothly! We feel so much ease! There is effortlessness! We smile and radiate from the inside out! Good is coming our way! We feel loved, cherished, supported… we bloom and are one with life! Everything is perfect.

Everyone of us describes this exhilarating feeling a little different, but the essence is the same. An ideal state. We all want to live in it the most we can. We attend seminars, read books, watch videos, participate in online trainings… all that to ultimately get to this place.

I am one of these flo-junkies! To be close to myself, to feel my soul, to be one with life… to live more often and longer times in this state is what I am after, is what I teach in my online programmes and what I want to take out into the world.

However, in the course oft he years something became very clear to me: We cannot BUT live in the flow. We ARE already in the flow, but we can fail to experience it. The questions is: Why are there times we feel it and others we don`t?

It has to do with perspective. It has to do with how we look at life and everything that happens in it.

Let me explain: Our thoughts about things/people/events create our reality around them.

Let´s take the example of rain:

Right now, it is raining. What are your thoughts around that? Maybe your mind says, „oh, crap, I was hoping to sit a couple of hours in my garden, enjoying the sunshine!” Or maybe you are thinking “great, I don`t have to water the plants, since the rain is already doing it for me!” What you think about the event “rain on this afternoon” will determine how you feel about it.

We always live in the flow!

Yes, you read it right! You are in the flow in that very moment! But, wait a minute… why am I not experiencing it??!!

What we think about being in the flow might be quite different from what flow really means. Being in the flow actually means: being ok with what is. That is the key that opens the door to the experience of flow.

Being ok with what is.

Our minds often chase after a certain picture of what is thinks it must be like… we want the experience of strawberries and flipflops in winter because we think it is the ideal state of being. And as a result of that we suffer, we are disappointed and disconnected to the flow.

Flow means opening up. Being radiant. Embracing the world with overflowing love. Summer. Sun.

Flow also means ripening. Going within. Finding yourself. Autumn. Rain.

Flow means letting go. Cold. Silence. Dying. Yes, especially dying. Allowing. Crying.

Flow is the flow of life…

The question is: How much do we align with it? And how often do we cut ourselves off?

Are we allowing ourselves to be taken away by it, through the experience of cold, loneliness, dying and are we experiencing these states as something beautiful and exhilarating as a result of our letting go of resistance?

Or are we sitting in this experience, hoping and wishing for something different to happen and thus experience those times as “out of the flow”?

It is our thoughts around what is happening that determine whether we feel one with life or not. It is our inner standing and way to respond to the events and circumstances that determine if we love or suffer.

We decide whether we experience the state of flow through our perspective.

A couple of questions you might want to ask yourself:

You want to experience flow more often?

Ask yourself: What do I think flow looks/feels like?

When we think how things “should” be, we limit ourselves to this idea about it. There is no room for a different experience than this one to be seen as beautiful and perfect.

Next question. What if I were already in the flow? What if flow were my natural state of being??

And next: With what do I have to align, say yes to,  in order to experience it?

Don`t get me wrong: There are things in our lives we definitely want to change! Life is change, expansion, growth, evolution…

But we forget that the first step to change is always saying yes to what is. We have to start where we are. When we say yes to what is, we turn the key to transformation. It is in that very moment when we start experiencing flow…

Jump in. Don´t be afraid… say yes to your fears. Do it in your own personal way. Honour your steps, especially the baby steps, knowing that it will set you free.

How can you do this on a very practical level?

Next time you feel stuck, take a break for a minute. Stop. Literally. Stop whatever you are doing and place your hands upon your heart, your chest or your belly, wherever it feels right in that very moment. Take a deep breath… and say „yes“ to what is, your feelings and emotions. Don`t try to change them, suppress them, get rid of them. Simply and powerfully accept them, say “yes”. Be present with your beautiful self. Be there, no matter what it feels.

In this very moment change is happening. You will feel calmer. Accepted. Loved. Seen… From this connection with yourself will arise a new awareness. You might remember what you have read in this article and that you are, even and especially in that moment, in the flow of life. That this is yet another step on your journey through life and that this, too, shall pass and continue. A sense of peace and that all is well will spread in your body, heart and mind. You know and you feel that you are in the flow. That you ARE the flow.

Ursula Schulenburg
Autorin, Dozentin, Heilpraktikerin, Life Coach und führt ihr online Business Soulcentered Evolution.

Alle Beiträge der Autorin auf Spirit Online

Living in the Flow Ursula Schulenburg

Ursula Schulenburg
ist Leiterin des „Instituts für bewusste Lebensgestaltung“, das schwerpunktmäßig online seine Dienstleistungen anbietet, arbeitet als Autorin, Dozentin, Heilpraktikerin und Life Coach.
Als Gründungsmitglied des Opferschutzvereins El Faro e.V. engagiert sie sich für Menschen, die Missbrauch und Trauma erleben mussten. Es ist ihr wichtig, mehr Licht, Klarheit und Transparenz in dieses dunkle Thema zu bringen und ihm auch öffentlich eine Stimme zu geben. Dies tut sie u.a. über regelmäßige Vorträge und Beiträge in sozialen Medien (u.a. YouTube

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