How to give your life more meaning


more meaning frau strand freude holidayHow to give your life more meaning: Unfold your genuine nature

How to give your life more meaning? I am convinced that everybody incarnates with a particular mission and individual gifts. This would imply that in each of us far more than it is today’s common opinion is already determined before education sets in. In my opinion, it would be the task of the parents, the family, the society and the schools to help children unpack, live, love and honor the gift(s) they came with. That way they then could make the best contribution to their fellow human beings, to society and to the world as such. And as a consequence, this could invoke an important shift for our society and earth.

Unfortunately, in many cases the parents (though usually with the best intention) pass on to their children their own world outlook, their internalized mindset and emotional patterns, their standards of living and often their own goals. Beliefs that were modeled from the parents are passed on from generation to generation. Life rules are drummed in, whose primary purpose is to function well by adapting to the outer circumstances. This also happens primarily in best faith, because most parents want to protect their children and make sure they are safe.

As a result, during their childhood and schooldays many people lose the ability to dream and to check the reality without fear. They are no longer testing out what is easy (or hard) to them and what inspires them and what ignites their inner flame. They do not explore further, what is possible for them and where they are drawn to from the bottom of their heart.

However, your original energy, your genuine nature still resides inside of you. In order to connect with that, a training of the intuition is indispensable. You need to listen to your own inner voice, your inner wisdom and higher guidance. You need to connect to and trust in that which is deeper, more sound and true than the everyday noise around you. Therefor you have to spend some time alone. Take time for yourself and search: What arouses your passions? What are your dreams? What are your heart’s desires that keep coming back to you repeatedly? Where does your heart or your path want to guide you?

One way to connect with this inner space, to discover new ideas and solutions bigger than your usual mental chatter is the SOURCE method as presented in the book The Miracle Problem Solver. It is an intuitive, easy to learn and very effective problem-solving method which requires just a few crystals or stones. I have received the method 2009 during a spontaneous writing meditation on one of the most powerful places on this earth, the Bell Rock in Sedona (Arizona). The name of the method SOURCE is therefore both a perfect fit and an acronym for its essence: Sedona stone Oracle Unity Recreation Constellation Experience.

Dr. Kira Klenke

Alle Beiträge der Autorin auf Spirit Online

Kira-KlenkeThe author: Kira Klenke

Prof. Dr. Kira Klenke is mathematician and was professor for Statistics in Germany for 24 years. She is a coach and certified NLP-Trainer. Her first book, a self-coaching guide for students, is Amazon bestseller in Germany and was sold out just few weeks after the first release.
Kira Klenke’s heart-desire is to support people in overcoming their old, self-sabotaging beliefs, in recognizing their full potential and living it.
Already at young age she looked for deeper meaning in life. Since 1984 she is engaged in yoga, energy work and shamanism.

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