Make your New Year’s resolution become true
At the end of the year, many people set resolutions for the next year. They want to reduce their weight for example or find a new job in order to get paid better or work closer to home. However, in spite of that unfortunately far too often everything just remains as it was before. Why is that? To consider and plan purely intellectually what we want to change in our lives is not enough. This is of course the first and an essential step, but then our automated behaviours and thought patterns, our established habits simply take over.
As, we all are reacting purely automatic more often than we are aware of. On the one hand, this is good, since it helps us to carry out countless, ever-repeating daily tasks very fast. However, when it comes to changes we aspire, the permanently installed programs in our head and in mind – most of which run automatically and unconsciously – become an obstacle. Then, other tools are required.
Such a tool is the so-called SOURCE method. It is ideal to set new constructive and powerful impulses for your New Year’s resolution in a way that it will become reality.
Give it a try. Here comes a (shortened) step-by-step instructions for the SOURCE method:
- Get hold of a handful of smallish stones.
- Define your issue, your New Year’s resolution. Write it down in a few sentences.
- Make a list of the people and impact forces involved in this. This could be your neighbour, your boss or your jealousy, a sickness or clutter in your basement. Subsequently, select the five to seven most important aspects on that list.
- For each of these influencing factors now choose a stone which will later represent this factor. Write down the assignment.
- Gently hold these five to seven stones between your two hands. Internally ask for inner intuitive guidance to help you recognize the facts and interrelations which have escaped your notice until now. Then, in a gentle but decisive manner, throw the stones on the free surface. Before doing so, also internally request for the pattern that will result from the fall of the stones, to clarify the current state of your issue. That you will find out what currently blocks a solution.
- What conspicuities and patterns do you see in the constellation? These can be “translated” into contextual relationships with the help of the list created in step 4. For example: “My insecurity” is constraining “my request for a raise”
- What stones have to be moved in order to harmonize the situation? Sense, which stones need to be shifted in order to harmonize the stone constellation, and to cause it to become more bearable, more coherent, more peaceful. Proceed with intuition and deliberation. Trace and sense how each shift of a stone also immediately changes the (energy) relations between the other remaining stones.
Now you could also add another new stone (which means a new influencing factor), for example “self-esteem” or “the power of saying no”.
You have met your goal, when viewing the stone constellation causes a light bulb moment or a sense of relief.
Now, the assigned meaning of the stones (interpreted in terms of their locations and their positions relative to one another) will generate a message from the target constellation – for example, something like: ‘My feelings are now at the center of things.’ Thinking in terms of the meaning of the stones and their associations with the relevant players, formulate the message from your target constellation into a sentence that brings you strength.
Recently, someone wrote to me in an e-mail: “My first SOURCE experience was very effortless. Suddenly a confusing situation appeared very clear. A very satisfying feeling. I will continue and include this modern oracle in my life. THANK YOU!”
The original SOURCE-method is a bit more extensive. It is integrated in a ritual, which leans on the native American medicine wheel. And there is a part which similar to the Swish method from the NLP, in order to anchor the end result into the subconscious.
All details can be found in the Book “The Miracle Problem Solver: Using crystals and the power of Sedona to transform your life” (Earthdancer Books 2016).
I am wishing you a Happy New Year and that you will have many blessings in the year to come. And I am wishing you success, healing and many liberating light bulb moments using the SOURCE method.
Prof. Dr. Kira Klenke
The author: Kira Klenke
Prof. Dr. Kira Klenke is mathematician and was professor for Statistics in Germany for 24 years. She is a coach and certified NLP-Trainer. Her first book, a self-coaching guide for students, is Amazon bestseller in Germany and was sold out just few weeks after the first release.
Kira Klenke’s heart-desire is to support people in overcoming their old, self-sabotaging beliefs, in recognizing their full potential and living it.
Already at young age she looked for deeper meaning in life. Since 1984 she is engaged in yoga, energy work and shamanism.
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